What is the biggest sin which God will not forgive if you do it your entire life and not repent before you die

NB: This article is a 5-6 min read, but it’s good if you read it all to understand it completely.

In short words, the biggest unforgivable sin (if you don’t repent to God, The Creator) is to claim and/or declare that there are associates (other deities) with God, The Creator, and worship them.

At first, for a nonbeliever, this may seem like it is not fair. Because at this time there are over 4200 religions and each of them worships almost a different deity. Therefore, why does God punishes the people who worshipped other than him and will not forgive them on the day of judgement?

First of all, God, The Creator will not punish anyone if they worship another deity without knowing that God, The Creator, is only true God and should be worshipped alone. However, This might not include the person who says “I don’t want to learn or know anything about God The Creator”. It’s our responsibility to seek the truth. But after knowing him, or after it becomes clear for a person that God, The Creator exists, and he alone should be worshipped, the person can’t claim or declare that there is another God who is capable of benefiting or harming him/her. Believing that there is another God (other than God, The Creator) is called shirk and it means associating false God or Gods with real God. And it is unforgivable if the person insists on worshiping false Gods.


Quran 4:48

God does not forgive the joining of partners with Him: anything less than that He forgives to whomever He will, but anyone who joins partners with God has fabricated a tremendous sin.


But again, how do the people who associate false gods know that Islam is the right religion? And Allah is true God?

Muslims worship the God whom everyone (even non-muslims) knows well. Here is the explanation: 

Whether they know Islam or not people are aware of the topic “God existence” When a person asks “Do you believe in God” (which I was recently asked by a Hindu believer) The person doesnt mean an idol worshipped by Hindus like krishna, ganesh, a statue like Buddha, a special stone, ancient king, a prophet…. the person means whether we believe or disbelieve in God The Creator and The Creator of the universe and the one who is sustaining and controlling the universe right now. Everyone knows this fact regardless they believe in God or not. Muslims, Christians, Hindus, and other religious people are the same creatures and all have the same source. But the majority of people in this world are aware of the high possibility of the existence of God The Creator, regardless they believe he exists or not. That’s why we ask each other (regardless of our religious background) whether we believe in the existence of God (The Creator) or not.

Quran teaches about the same God, the one whom we wonder whether he exists or not. Muslims worship the one God The Creator, who created us and made this earth for us to live in it. Islam makes it clear the purpose of our existence in this world is to be tested, and it guides us on how to pass this test. And, that is what Islam is about in short.

What about people before Islam?

Why do you think series of Prophets (Like Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed) came in different times to tell people existence of One God (The Creator) and warn for day of judgment?

Some Prophets were centuries apart, yet they had delivered same message. The messages were “God exists and worship him alone” and warn about “day of judgment”? Why consistency through out centuries even though they couldn’t communicate with each other?

That’s because God has actually sent them o warn them to not worship false gods, and worship God The Creator alone. If worshipping other than God has heavy consequences, God has to warn us clearly, and he did by sending his messengers.

Still not convinced? Read this example below:

When people are in dangerous situations like in the ocean with strong waves and storms or when when they experience “near deat” situations, and say willingly or unwillingly  “God save us from this” … that kind of message is meant for God our creator DIRECTLY. In that kind of situation, our heart will call its creator only, because deep down we all know he controls everything and he can help us the dangers we are facing. Quran describes that God only (our creator), to whom all of us are naturally attached.


Quran 29:65-66

Whenever they go on board a ship (caught in a storm) they call on God, and dedicate their faith to Him alone, but once He has delivered them safely back to land, see how they ascribe partners to Him!

So let them be ungrateful for all We have given them, and ˹let them˺ enjoy themselves ˹for now˺! For they will soon know.

Quran 17:67

When you are touched with hardship at sea, you ˹totally˺ forget all ˹the gods˺ you ˹normally˺ invoke, except Him. But when He delivers you ˹safely˺ to shore, you turn away. Humankind is ever ungrateful.

That being said, Christians have beliefs that leave some people confused. They believe that we have a creator, but they believe that “Jesus”  is the one who created us, and they call Jesus “God” and “son of God”. And they call our real creator “The Father”. The Bible clearly shows that Jesus is not God our creator. In this article, its clarified that our creator is not Jesus, but our creator is the one whom Christians call “The Father”. The term “The Father” is a way Christians call God, our creator (Allah).

– The Bible says that its followers should pray to “The Father” only, as the following verse says:

O This, then, is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your name (Matthew 6:9).

The World English Bible translates the passage as: Pray like this: ‘Our Father in heaven, may your name be kept holy.


– Bible says that God is not a man while Prophet Jesus is a man.

‘God is not a man’ (Numbers 23:19)

As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God (John 8:40)

So Christians also point to one God our creator. The problem is some of the atheists who are influenced by Christianity or had a Christianity background, whenever we say “God The Creator exist” some of them think we mean “Jesus”, and according to Christian teachings Jesus is supposed to return back, and since it’s been a long time since he didn’t return back yet, they see it as a myth or hard to believe in our creator existence. But in the Bible the true God is the one who is mentioned by the term “The Father” and Jesus is not our creator but a prophet (Like Noah, Abraham, Isac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Mohammed…), and “The Father” is not supposed to return or visit our earth. Yes Prophet Jesus performed miracles, same as other prophets, but that doesn’t make them God, The Creator. In fact, There is nothing such like God The Creator and no human being ever has seen God. Even the prophets.

The Christian Bible is edited and the real Bible which was revealed to the prophet Jesus doesn’t exist publicly. And the concept of the trinity which says Jesus is God was introduced after the 3rd century. See the below video to understand that The Bible is edited and has many versions and can not be used as a source of truth:


Note: It is not right to call God by the term “The Father”. In this article, It’s used the term “The Father” just to clarify in Christian terms only. As any person becomes a father when he has a son or daughter, God doesn’t have a son, as Christians claim.

Coming to the main question now, “What is the biggest sin which God will not forgive if you do it your entire life and do not repent before you die”

Now it is fair to say that associating a false God with our creator is the biggest sin.  Everyone who knows God The Creator exists should not associate or worship any false deities with him, otherwise, the consequences are heavy. for other sins, there is a possibility of forgiveness by God. Except for what you wronged others, for example, taking a loan and not returning it. In that case, the person has to forgive you otherwise on the day of judgment you have to give the equivalent of what you have wronged from your good deeds, or you will take from the person’s bad deeds if you don’t have any good deeds left. Remember. our good and bad deeds, Everything is written in detail by angles.

Quran 4:48 says

Indeed, Allah does not forgive association with Him, but He forgives what is less than that for whom He wills. And he who associates others [false deities] with Allah has certainly fabricated a tremendous sin.

finally, this is only a warning to guide people to the truth. It is not meant to be to threaten anyone. This is just a reminder. This is to clarify that our creator exists.  And only our creator judges who will be rewarded and who will be punished. Because he knows who denied him intentionally and unintentionally. He created us and he knows us better.

Quran 67:13
Whether you keep your words secret or state them openly, He knows the contents of every heart.

We as humans have no ability to judge anyone because, we can’t tell what is within a person’s heart, or maybe the one who disbelieve now may become a follower of God, The Creator, and repents at a later stage of his/her life and God forgives him/her.

This is to inform you that Quran has a true message from God The Creator. And it’s good if you read Quran open-minded yourself, and ignore what the media says about it. And you will know about our creator more than you could imagine.