There are more than 4200 religions, which religion is the truth?

NB: To make the picture clear to the reader, this article is written having a standpoint where all religions are considered equal. We will compare which one is the truth by analyzing the worshipped God behind the religions. To understand it fully, make sure you read it all.

Before going deep on this topic, let’s discuss the point that most religions are not able to agree with each other which is the topic of “Who is God?”. Muslims say “Allah”, Christians say “Jesus”,  Hindus say “Krishna”… So on. Therefore, let’s define what the term “God” means.

Dictionaries define God as:

God: The creator and ruler of the universe and source of all moral authority; the supreme being. 

‎Now here’s the most important question: If you were asked who is most likely to be God The Creator,  which of the following would it be your answer:

A. Man-Made Idols. Idols are not only idols, they have spirits or demons in them. They are the creators of humans, all animals, all plants, the sun, moon, star, air, and everything else. They sustain and rule the world and the universe now.

B. The sun, moon, stars… are our creators. They are a source of light and they have deep meaning. Many ancient religions believed in them as well. They sustain and rule the world and the universe now.

C. Any Human being (like Jesus) or (Buddha, Krishna, Amun-Ra, Horus…). Because they made miracles that a normal person can’t do. They are the creators of humans, all animals, all plants, the sun, moon, star, air, and everything else. And they are the rulers of the universe.

D. Allah (Abrahamic Religions God) is the creator and sustainer of the universe, he created us and sent us his message (That God, The Creator exists, and the day of judgment will happen) he sent this message consistently starting from the first human being (Adam). Quran is the last message from God and it describes God with full God qualities as he is omnipotent (All-knowing) omnipresent (present everywhere) omniscient (All-powerful). Quran doesn’t have contradictions and it is not changed/altered since revealed to the prophet Mohammed.

(If you didn’t choose A, B, or C, you eliminated (>= 99.99%)  from all religions which exist (which is approximately 4200 religions)).

Religions today can generally be classified into three broad categories: monotheistic, polytheistic, and those with unique theological distinctions. Monotheistic religions, such as Islam and Judaism, believe in one, singular God. Polytheistic religions, including Hinduism, Taoism, and Shintoism, often involve the worship of multiple deities, idols, animals, or celestial bodies such as the sun, moon, and stars. Christianity occupies a unique position, as it is not strictly monotheistic due to its belief in the Trinity—God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—though it still aligns with the Abrahamic tradition and is not classified as polytheism.

So, Let’s see one by one if the definition of God meets today’s religions.


Polytheistic Religions

Out of approximately 4,200 religions, more than 99 % adhere to some form of idolatry, which immediately fails to meet the definition of “God” as The Creator. Idols and statues are man-made objects, incapable of creating the universe or sustaining life. In many polytheistic traditions, these idols, or specific animals, are revered as gods, believed to have the power to grant wishes related to wealth, health, spirituality, or meditation. However, this belief system diverges from the concept of a supreme creator who is responsible for the existence of everything in the universe.

When we speak of “God,” we refer to The Creator—the one who has ultimate power over us and sustains all life. The core disagreement across religions revolves around identifying this creator, rather than honoring cultural symbols that fall short of the definition of “God.”


Celestial Bodies (Sun, Moon, Stars, or Any Mass)

Celestial bodies serve a specific purpose for sustaining life. For example, the sun provides light and energy necessary for life on Earth, but without living things, its significance diminishes. Although ancient religions often revered the sun and other celestial objects as symbols of unlimited power, these entities are part of the created universe and cannot be the creators themselves. The same reasoning applies to the moon, stars, and other celestial masses—they may have symbolic importance, but they do not possess the attributes of an omniscient or omnipotent creator.




In several religions, animals like cows, elephants, and even rats are considered sacred. For instance, in some belief systems, the cow is regarded as a symbol of gods and spirituality, its physical form representing various religious principles. However, the critical question remains: Are these animals the creators and sustainers of the universe? If the answer is “No,” then they too fail to meet the definition of “God.”

Logically, animals are living beings like humans, and although they hold symbolic value in certain traditions, they are not creators. They share the same source of existence as humans, and it is therefore incorrect to view them as deities.



In ancient cultures, it was common to worship kings or rulers as gods. However, these leaders were once helpless infants and, like all humans, eventually died. Any human deity has a clear beginning and end, which contradicts the concept of a creator who exists before all things and sustains everything. The creator is supposed to exist before everything else, because he is The Creator, and logically can not appear after the creations (after they are born).

A logical question to consider: What about the people who existed before this human “god” was born? Were they without a creator? It defies reason to believe that any human, who lives and dies like the rest of us, could be God. This applies to figures like Nimrod and Pharaoh (Ramesses II), both of whom claimed divinity but, like all humans, ultimately perished.



Prophets are people selected by Abrahamic God, to warn bad doers from punishment, give glad tidings to good-doers, and also inform people about “God existence and day of judgment”. Some examples of prophets are Noah, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Jesus, and Mohammed (last messenger)…. even though they existed at different times they delivered that common message. They claim Abrahamic God, has sent them to deliver that message and gave them the ability to make miracles so that people believe their prophethood and take God’s message seriously. But they never claim they are God or have power, and they should be worshipped. In fact, they were normal humans who work in their daily lives.

The problem arises after the prophets die, after some decades or centuries, some people alter the message of Abrahamic God to make the people believe that the late prophet was God himself because the prophet did some miracles. Due to a lack of knowledge and communication at that time, some people believe them. This happened in Christianity.

Like Christians think that Prophet Jesus is God. Then some people claimed that Jesus is the son of God, and God himself at the same time. The prophets don’t even know that people worship them, because this happens after decades/centuries after they die. If they had their own abilities at least they would have kept themselves alive forever.

The idea of Jesus being God came after Jesus died. While God sent many messengers before Jesus. If Jesus was son of God, And God himself at the same time, he would have told the messengers of God (who came before Jesus) that Jesus is son of God, and God himself at the same time. They all would have the message of the trinity. But the trinity only came after Jesus died.

Quotes from The Bible hint that Prophet Jesus had never claimed deity.

For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent meJhon 6:38

Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.

Psalm 143:10

Abrahamic God, Allah.

We can say, The Abrahamic God, Allah, meets the definition of God. Quran, the holy book of Muslims, mentions that Allah is the creator of everything, The Sustainer of all universes, The Creator of everything (literally everything), and The Ruler of our universe. The 99 names of Allah can be found here.

The Conclusion

Since idols, animals, humans, (who claimed deity) and celestial bodies logically lack to meet the definition of “The Creator”, therefore, they can’t be the true religion. While Islamic God, Allah meets the definition of God.


Since we claim Islam is the right religion from God, let’s verify it.

We have mentioned “logical criteria for a religion to be true” in this linked article [click here to read it]. If you haven’t read it, please read it if you want to read the logical criteria required for a religion to be the true religion.

Now let’s proceed with the verification process for Islam against those criteria mentioned. The sequence of criteria will be listed below respectively to that article.

    1. The Religion’s holy book should not have versions, revisions, contradictions, or authors: Torah and Bible are both from the same source, The Abrahamic God.  The original version of the Torah (revealed to Prophet Moses) And the Bible (revealed to Prophet Jesus), can not be founded publicly. The altered versions also contain “Authors” which is not acceptable. Simply God should be the Author with no interference. If God is not the author, then it is not from God.
      (see this explainer video)  how the bible was altered.
      Quran is Unaltered since revealed to the prophet Mohammed. Quran has no versions, no revisions, no contradictions, and the Author is God (100% Unchanged). And since it is the final message to humanity, God promised to protect it from altering:Quran 15:9We, Ourselves, have sent down the Dhikr (the Qur’an), and We are there to protect it.Quran 41:42
      that [Quran] cannot be approached by falsehood, neither from its front, nor from its behind -a revelation from the All-Wise, the Ever-Praised.
      Therefore, Christianity and Judaism fail here.
    2. The religion should define clearly who is our creator and the creator of the universe:

      There are dozens of verses in the Quran about Allah’s divinity. But to make it more clear, in the Quran Allah says that the creation of the heavens and earth is greater [far more complex] than creating mankind in Quran 40:57. God says so because he knows and compares them which is the most complex thing to create. He is speaking as The Creator should speak.

      Quran 67:2
      [He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed – and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving –

      Quran 40:57. The creation of the heavens and earth is greater than the creation of mankind, but most of the people do not know.

      Quran 32:4  It is Allah who created the heavens and the earth and whatever is between them in six days; then He established Himself above the Throne. You have not besides Him any protector or any intercessor; so will you not be reminded?


    3. The religion should not start “some years ago” it should start from the first human being:

      Adem (Adam) and Hawaa (Eve) are the first human beings ever who were created by God The Creator. And Adem was the first prophet ever, he taught his children about God existence, the day of judgment, and also heaven and hell exist. He delivered a message to his generations to believe in God our creator and the day of judgment. Generation after generation, many prophets followed to deliver the same message. Moses, Joseph, Jacob, Jesus, and Mohammed are among those prophets. So when a question is asked, “Was the first human being (adam) Muslim or not?” Being Muslim means “Submitting your will to The Creator” and not necessarily being a follower of Prophet Mohammed.

      There is a big misconception that Prophet Mohammed is the founder of Islam. No, Prophet Mohammed was the last messenger of all messengers sent. Prophet Mohammed is identified as “The Seal of The Prophets” meaning the end of the series of prophets sent by God, The Creator. (Read Criteria 4 to know more)

      look what Quran says:


      Quran 33:40 Muḥammad is not the father of any of your men, but is the Messenger of Allah and the seal of the prophets. And Allah has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things. 

      Therefore, yes, the first human being, Adem, was a Muslim. 

    4. Can not be founded by a person:

      There is no founder in Islam. Moses, Jesus, Mohammed, and other prophets are messengers of God, The Creator. Prophet Mohammed is not the founder of Islam as mentioned in criteria 3, he is the last messenger from God. Islam has been given as a guide by The Creator since the first human being (Adem) till now it is serving while it is reserved (unchanged a bit) same as revealed to prophet Mohammed.
      Many people think that the word “Allah” came with Islam. Allah means God, The Creator. The proof that Islam is not founded by Prophet Mohammed is Prophet Mohammed’s own father’s name was Abd-Allah means “Servant of God”. Notice here the word Allah was there before Prophet Mohammed existed. So, the word Allah is the Arabic term for God, not a new term brought by Prophet Mohammed.

    5. The mentioned God can not have a birth year or a dying year.

      God is supposed to be there before everything existed. And initiated everything to exist. In Islam, There are 99 names of God. The name “The First” is one of God names, which means he is the first without the beginning. And also the name “The Last” belongs to God, which means he is the last without end. The 99 names can be found here.

      Related Article to this topic: If everything has a creator and God created everything, then who created God?

    6. The religion should tell our history (past), should teach what to do now (present) and what is our destination (future)

      in short, it should guide how to be a successful human being. Because the one who created us knows why he created us and how to guide us. And also, the mentioned religion should teach our past, present, and future. Quran teaches our History (past) about the first-ever human beings (Adam and Eve) how we came into existence and some history of ancient people. It teaches also what to do now (present)  to be successful (especially on the day of judgment) like avoiding worshipping other than God, The Creator, being thankful to him, praising him, doing good things, giving charity, feeding the poor, praying, not wronging others, no backbiting… so that we succeed on the day of judgment (future).
      The reward for good doers is eternal heaven and the punishment for bad doers is hell temporarily or permanently. Human wealth is not the measurement of his/her success. True success is seen on the day of judgment. On the day of judgment, there will be people who were poor or had a difficult life in this world who will have a high rank in heaven and the vice versa is true for some people.

      Quran 56:1

      When the Occurrence occurs [The day of judgment],

      There is, at its occurrence, no denial [The day of judgment].

      It will bring down [some] and raise up [others].

    7. The religion should not be only for specific people: Some religions may require a bloodline or some quality a person should posses in order to be qualified for their religion. Example here. Islam is for the whole world.

      Quran 21:107

      We have sent you ˹O Prophet˺ only as a mercy for the whole world.

    8. God can not be created or born:  Visit this internal link to get  answer of this criteria.

    9. God should know what we think and what we feel, simply because he knows his creations:

      Quran 3:29

      Say: “Whether ye hide what is in your hearts or reveal it, Allah knows it all: He knows what is in the heavens, and what is on earth. And Allah has power over all things.

So, how does Islam describe the attributes of our creator?

Islam describes our creator the way which fits God,  The Creator. Let’s see some of the Quranic verses which describe God, The Creator:

Note: In the following Quranic verses, The word “Allah” and can be interchanged with “God, The Creator”. 

Quran 42:11 says:
There is nothing like Him, for He ˹alone˺ is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing.

[This means nothing looks like our creator, our creator out of our imagination]

Quran 6:103

No vision can encompass Him, but He encompasses all vision. For He is the Most Subtle, All-Aware.

[We can not see him by our vision, but he can see everything in detail]

Quran 112
Say, “He is Allah, [who is] One,

Allah, the Eternal Refuge.

He neither begets nor is born,

Nor is there to Him any equivalent.”

[Emphasizes that God is Only One]

Quran 18:109

Say, “If the sea were ink for [writing] the words of my Lord, the sea would be exhausted before the words of my Lord were exhausted, even if  We brought the like of it as a supplement.”

[The words of our creator are not limited to the words we, humans, know collectively. It’s far beyond that]

Quran 31:16

˹Luqmân  added [While teaching his son about God our creator],˺ “O my dear son! ˹Even˺ if a deed were the weight of a mustard seed—be it ˹hidden˺ in a rock or in the heavens or the earth—Allah will bring it forth. Surely Allah is Most Subtle, All-Aware.

here are 99 names [attributes] for Allah 

the best way anyone can learn the truth is by learning the truth by himself/herself. Please read Quran open-minded and don’t let anyone tell you what it is, especially the media. Read the Quran fully then judge by your self and you will know the truth.