Major Purpose & Responsibility Of Life & Things which should be considered if a person decides to deny God, our creator.

Many people think that life’s major purpose is just “to get rich” which is a little wrong. Getting rich is not something bad, it’s good to have money and use it responsibly rather than not having it. But, many people get disappointed when they get rich because after some time they realize that “Getting rich” is not the everything they wanted. And they feel always something is missing.

Any human being has two major purposes. The first one is the life purpose given by our creator which is to serve the truth. And the second one is the purpose which you give to your self. For example, to be a doctor, own a shop or whatever it may be. We will discuss the purpose which is given by God our creator, the one which if many people knew it, they would realize it is a major part of the purpose of life, and they would realize it is the missing part of what they wanted. But it requires us to listen and be open-minded, leaving behind whatever beliefs we have especially the bad image which is made by media about Islam.

“Being Human” has many responsibilities. One of the main responsibilities is to be a righteous person and apply justice for everything whenever we can. We are naturally born with an ability to differentiate right from wrong, at least at the basic level of situations (see video below). It’s we who develop those right and wrong to their advanced-version.


God our creator says in Quran 91:7-10:

And [by] the soul and He [Allah] who proportioned it
And inspired it [with discernment of] its wickedness and its righteousness
He has succeeded who purifies it
And he has failed who instills it [with corruption].

Quran is telling us that our creator made us in such a way we understand “what is good” and “what is bad” just by our instincts or by inspiration (not 100% though). Everyone knows stealing, abusing, cheating, lying… is wrong regardless of their beliefs. It’s our nature, God made us know what is wrong and what is right. We are programmed to be like that.  For example, Let’s say we created a robot which talks and walks just like us. If a person intentionally kicks that robot and the robot fell down and gets some of its part broken, say the hand part, it will never tell that “kicking the robot and breaking its hand” was wrong deed, unless we program it like that.

The Big Responsibility

Whether they believe or not, most people are aware of the topic  “One God” who created us and the one who monitor and sustain us and when we die we return to him. That’s why whenever a person comes and ask “Do you believe in God” we reply “yes” or “No” assuming God our creator. This is true even the person religion is based on polytheism. I was asked by Hindus believer “Do you believe in God?”. The person didn’t mean his idols, but he meant God our creator. Surprisingly, when I asked him the same question, he replied “Yes, I believe in God”. I can assure you he didn’t mean the idols he worships, but he meant “God, our Creator” Because our mind knows the one who created it and we are only connected to him by heart and mind.

Some people doubt whether our creator exists or not but they are at least aware of the possibility of his existence. Everyone has a specific time in his/her life that comes and gets clarified for him/her about the existence of our creator God. When the time comes to us to know that God our creator exists and our creator is the truth, we have the great responsibility to not deny our creator and accept the truth. At that time, since it is clarified for him/her that God our creator is the truth, and if the person chooses to deny God, then God knows him/her that he did it intentionally which is a sin. It’s a sin because it’s clear for him/her that our creator exists but yet the person chose to deny him. The person might bring difficult questions like “Then, Who created God”… at that time, when it is clear for us that our creator exists, we are requested to do the simplest thing that a human being can do, which is to just “Believe in God”. Some people say that “They don’t need God in their life”… but the truth is we wouldn’t exist at any time given if God didn’t create us and formed us. Our creator gave us an identity. No one is like you in the past, present and the future. We are soul-based creatures, which, logically, can not be part of evolution. So we need to accept our creator and not deny him if his existence is clear for us. Any person has a responsibility to know why he created him/her before its too late, and ignoring God will only affect the person.


Quran 67:23
Say, “It is He who has produced you and made for you hearing and vision and hearts; little are you grateful.”

Quran 7:10
And We have certainly established you upon the earth and made for you therein ways of livelihood. Little are you grateful.

Quran 35:18

No soul burdened with sin will bear the burden of another. And if a sin-burdened soul cries for help with its burden, none of it will be carried—even by a close relative. You ˹O Prophet˺ can only warn those who stand in awe of their Lord without seeing Him and establish prayer. Whoever purifies themselves, they only do so for their own good. And to Allah is the final return.

So the point is, we have been given a free will to express justice in the right or wrong way. Whenever a person is accepting God, thankful to God, glorifying God and saying God is great (which is practised by Muslims daily)… he/she is actually expressing justice in the right way towards the creator and by doing that, the person not only benefits himself by being in a positive mind set but also our creator will reward him because the person has passed his/her test which is when the person was given a chance to choose whether to be a righteous person or not, he/she chose to be a righteous person. And when a person denies God (while it is clear for him/her our creator existence), saying wrong things about our creator, he/she is expressing justice in the wrong way toward God and by doing that the person only harms him/her self, and unfortunately, may get punished severly if he/she never repented truly from the heart before dying. Unfortunately, many people who are in “Facebook atheist groups”  say unjust words towards our creator (they shouldn’t say bad words about any religion especially about God our creator, even if his existence is not clear for them). Some people think they can say whatever they want because it’s not clear for them yet, about our creator existence. But that is still considered unjust.
Remember, God existence is not clear for them doesn’t mean God doesn’t exist. Islam teaches to glorify God, thank God, say God is great and not say about God something which we don’t know because it will be counted as sin. So, in the day of judgement, both believers and non-believers can’t be judged the same. The person who was unjust will lose (unless he/she repents to Allah our creator in this life before he/she dies).

what are the consequences if one decides to deny God our creator?

Coming to the main question, what are the consequences if one decides to deny God our creator? Let’s mention some of the things that the person might lose if he/she chose to deny God, our creator. Of course, this applies to those who choose to deny God while they know his existence. A person can’t say “I don’t want to know about God”, as mentioned before, everyone has the responsibility to know God. Because the person will know the purpose of life and prepare for the day of judgement, if the person don’t want to know, he is preparing him/her self to fail in the test of life. But for those who are still on the way to know may not necessarily apply.

When a person choose to deny God, our creator, the following might apply to him/her:

  1. The person will not get guaranteed to enter to heaven.

    This is the best thing that the person miss. God promises eternal heaven with eternal life for those who believe in God and follow him and his messenger Mohammed (in Quran and Sunnah). Simply, denying God and being arrogant to God will not guarantee heaven. A person cant be arrogant to God.


  2. The person will be unaware (unconscious) that there is day of judgement.

    After this life, there is a day of judgement. Our creator promises that everyone will be judged for the good and bad deeds we did in this life. Everything is recorded what we say, what we do (good and bad) in detail. When a person is told to believe in our creator God and also about judgement day, if the person denies it eventhough it’s clear for him/her, through time, the person becomes unaware (will forget eventually) of the day of judgement and may not accumulate good deeds for him/her self, and may do wrong things all the time because he/she thought/forgot that there is no judgement day, and that was his/her decision and their decision is their responsibility. It’s like a teacher saying you can see your books while you do a test, but be responsible for the results. Life is a life-long and 1-time test.

    Quran 18:49
    The record of their deeds will be laid open and you will see the guilty, dismayed at what they contain, saying, ‘Woe to us! What a record this is! It does not leave any deed, small or large, unaccounted for!’ They will find everything they ever did laid in front of them: your Lord will not be unjust to anyone.


  3. The person will miss the chance to be forgiven.

    God know that we are not perfect beings who never do something wrong, because he created us with our free will (to do good or bad). The biggest problem is not the sin itself, it is when the person insist on the sin and never repent for his/her sin. We are never meant to be perfect beings, but we are meant to repent for our sins and follow it by good deeds. Everything is forgivable by our creator (Except Shirk (associating false Gods with God)) if you truly repent and follow it by doing good deeds (Repenting to God, Helping people, giving charity…) and not insist on the sin you made. That will help you on the day of judgement.  So, by denying God, you miss that opportunity.
    Quran 25:70

    Except for those who repent, believe and do righteous work. For them Allah will replace their evil deeds with good. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.


  4. Everyone whom the person did wrong will get their right back.

    While a person did many things wrong in this life, he/she might think no one has seen him/her. Let’s say, a person took 10,000 loan from his friend and never returned it. On the day of judgement, the person have to return the money in terms of good-deeds to his friend. And if the person doesn’t have good deeds, he will have to take bad deeds from his friend, equivalent to the money he took. Of course, that doesn’t happen if his friend forgives him. But even if his friend forgives him, still the person is accumulating many things (small and big deeds) and not aware of what is leaving behind him just because he “thought” no one has seen him, no one knows his deeds and no one will judge him. Even if a person who took loan is believer, and not return loaned money before dying, on the day of judgement the person will need to return it good deeds. But since a believer knows the fact that there is day of judgment, if he/she fears God, he/she would return the money as early as possible.

  5. The worst part about denying God is punishment.

    Anyone can ask questions about existence of our creator God, and have chance to study it. But once it is clear, the person can not deny him. To know God our creator is truth and  deny the truth requires lots of arrogance and bad attitude. This attitude will only eventually accumulate bad deeds. Because it is only when a person have bad attitude he/she will deny God.  “believing” is one of the easiest thing to do (as a human being), and having arrogance might stop a person from doing that easy thing. When a person get punished by not doing easiest thing we can ever do, just to satisfy arrogance is a real lose.

  6. The person who choose to deny God our creator fails in life test.

    He/she simply failed the test of life. The test is “How well you will handle the truth”. When a truth comes to a person and accepts it, he will be a winner on the day of judgement. When the person deny it, the person looses. Because the real result whether a person has won or not is seen on the day of judgement. At this time, whether a person is successful or not is measured by Money, but the person will be forgotten just after 100 years. Because another series of people will replace him/her for their test. Eventually, our deeds remain in our account for the day of judgment. Therefore, whether a person is rich or poor will be known on the day of judgment.

    Quran 7:8 says: And the weighing [of deeds] that Day will be the truth. So those whose scales are heavy [with good deeds] – it is they who will be the successful.


  7. On the day of judgement the denier of his/her creator will testify against their selves.

    Quran 6:130 says:  “O company of jinn and mankind, did there not come to you messengers [like Prophets Moses, Jesus, Mohammed…] from among you, relating to you My verses and warning you of the meeting of this Day of yours [day of judgment]?” They will say, “We bear witness against ourselves”; and the worldly life had deluded them, and they will bear witness against themselves that they were disbelievers.

No one should be afraid from our creator God fairness. First of all, God mercy is nearer than his punishment in this life and afterlife. For one good deed our creator counts it as ten times of the good deed we have done, while 1 bad deed will be counted as 1 bad deed.

Quran 6:160

Whoever comes [on the Day of Judgement] with a good deed will have ten times the like thereof [to his credit], and whoever comes with an evil deed will not be recompensed except the like thereof; and they will not be wronged.


Indeed our creator is the fairest judger. Remember your responsibility to know the truth. Don’t let anyone stopping you to know the truth especially the media. Reading for your self is the best way to know the truth. Read the Quran fully with open-minded and don’t let anyone tells you what is it. Read it and judge by yourself.

Good doers will be said to them:

Quran: 13 – 23-24

Gardens of perpetual residence; they will enter them with whoever were righteous among their fathers, their spouses and their descendants. And the angels will enter upon them from every gate, [saying],

“Peace be upon you for what you patiently endured. And excellent is the final home.”


And the wrong-doers will be said:

Quran 66:7

‘You who disbelieve, make no excuses today: you are only being repaid for what you used to do.’


May our creator God make us all from the good-doers and the successful ones in the day of judgement.