Why atheists have burden of proof?

In today’s debates, atheists forward the presumption of atheism arguing that atheism is the default position with no burden of proof and asserting that the burden of proof for God’s existence rests solely on the theist.

Both Atheists & believers (on God The Creator) have the burden of proof. We all agree on the fact that believers have a burden of proof, so let’s focus on the atheist’s point of view.

Atheism is not saying “I don’t know whether God The Creator exists or not” but it is believing or claiming that “A creator (God) doesn’t exist” which is a full claim that needs to be proven. Many atheists claim that “atheism is not claiming that God doesn’t exist but atheism is just lack of belief that God exists”. If so, then the person is not an atheist, he/she is closer to agnostic. Lacking belief means that the person is not sure whether God exists or not, And that is nearer to agnostic definition, not an atheist.

There are logical reasons which made “believers” believe in God. Likewise, there should be a logical reason or proof that convinced atheists that “God doesn’t exist”. Atheists can’t say reasons such as “war, disease, poor people”… they cannot say those reasons are the logical reason to prove and not believe in the existence of God. Because poverty, war, disease… does not represent the majority of the lives of the people. Yes, poverty, war, and disease exist, but the majority of people (above 90%) are blessed. That’s a different topic covered in another article, please read the following to understand that:

What Is The Justification for Very Poor People In This Life?

Why God makes us suffer sometimes?

Let’s define what an “Atheist” means. The definition in the dictionary is as follows:

Atheist: a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods.

If anything has a chance of 100% existence, then we cannot say it doesn’t exist. At this time, the discovered entire collective knowledge (entire facts) that we, human beings, know is 10%-20% of all facts combined. More than 80% is unknown. Therefore, at this level, we can’t claim God doesn’t exist, simply because there is a 100% chance of his existence.

Let me give you a small example which assures you we are created beings:

According to evolution, the first living things were microorganisms. If we assume this as true, we are assuming the right chemicals ACCIDENTALLY mixed and created one-celled evolving organisms. After Billions of years, the organisms perfected themselves and eventually became male – female full humans (without a soul). We are at perfect time ACCIDENTALLY.

The Microorganism must be extremely complex enough to be “capable of evolving being”. Now before that microorganism got created by chance, we have to consider two things:

  1. Availability of the right chemicals: Suppose you are in a desert and you want to make pizza, do all the ingredients come to you by accident?
  2. Arrangement of chemicals: If you got the ingredients, will the pizza make itself? will the ingredients arrange themselves to the right recipe to make pizza?

To make things easier to understand, let’s assume pizza as an example. The probability of “a pizza making by itself”  is zero because at least someone (with awareness) who knows what pizza is and knows how to make a pizza must exist.

Likewise, to get the microorganisms, first, we need the right chemicals, and then we need the right combination to make them.

Let’s go even further, let’s assume the chemicals combination to make microorganisms is equivalent to randomly shuffling a deck of playing cards back into arranged order. If you truly randomize the deck, the chances of the cards ending up in perfect order – spades, then hearts, diamonds and clubs – are around 1 in 10 to the power 68 (or 1 followed by 68 zeros). That’s a huge number, roughly equal to the number of atoms in our galaxy.

If we give 5 seconds per 1 shuffle, you would need more than one hundred trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion, trillion years to try all that. BTW, Our plant is very young compared to that number. Our planet age is 4.543 billion years only.

And we are assuming here that making “microorganisms capable of evolving” is equivalent to a “shuffling deck of cards and end up in perfect order”. No, thats just assumption. All living things no matter how small or big they are, are still complex way more than that.

So, the chance that we have a creator is more than 99.9999999999%  and the chance that “everything came from nothing ( like the big bang) without a creator” has a chance of less than 0.00000000001%. When a person claims that “God doesn’t exist” the person should be aware that the probability of God’s existence is more than 99.9999999999%, so when the person says “God doesn’t exist” he/she has a burden of proof. When a person doesn’t believe in anything which has almost 100% probability of existence, he/she have the burden of proof.

Consider Another example:

Suppose before 1500 years ago, the moon suddenly disappeared, people at that time didn’t know why it disappeared. To preserve the facts, people start to write about the moon at that time. After 500 years the truth about the moon starts becoming a myth. After 1500 years, some say “moon surely doesn’t exist! how can at nighttime be a source of light? How can it be a crescent moon 🌘  and then be a full moon 🌕 just after some days? And some say the moon surely exists but we cannot see it (based on the facts people who wrote at the time of its disappearance). And some say maybe it exists or maybe not, we can’t say.

According to that scenario, the moon surely exists but some people couldn’t realize the truth. Some say it doesn’t exist and insist on what they all based on an assumption (without evidence). If they only read the evidence that was written at that time, maybe they could have seen the truth in black and white (Quran in God existence case).

This moon scenario makes clear that “Just because you don’t believe in God our creator, doesn’t mean he doesn’t exist”.

The reason why you have the responsibility to know God The Creator existence is because this life is a test by God and there is passing and failing. THERE IS “the day of judgement” and that means reward and punishment and eternal life exists. God says in his message (Quran), everything that a person has done in his/her entire life is written (starting from the smallest detail good and bad deeds) and based on that we will be judged. He guides us in his book (Quran) on how to justify bad deeds (for sins that we have already done) and earn more good deeds, to be a winner on the day of judgement. As long as you are alive you have the chance to be a winner on the day of judgement. Once a person dies, his/her deeds stop then he/she will be judged based on his/her deeds.

You can’t say and conclude “God The creator doesn’t exist” just because a scientist think so. Remember, You are accountable for yourself only, no one will be harmed or benefited by your decision. You benefit or harm yourself only. You have only one chance (Your entire life) don’t gamble or take risks with it. Seek the truth for yourself.

As an ex-atheist, I have read the Quran and found that it is the truth. Read Quran fully open-minded and forget what the media told you like “Islam is terrorist religion” and so on, just read it and judge it by yourself.

Read the following to understand more existence of our creator:

There are more than 4200 religions, which one is the truth?