Why Jesus is not God? With logical proofs from Bible.

The first thing which needs to be said here is that Christianity is not false religion, it is a true religion from God our creator which was revealed to Prophet Jesus, and Jesus placed it in the book which is The Bible. Same like Jewish religion was true religion from God our creator and revealed to prophet Moses who placed it in Torah. After the Bible revealed to prophet Jesus, through time, the Bible was edited by many people that it changed many and major things about message of God (They claimed Jesus is God, not a prophet). Check this video below prepared by a non-Islamic organization which explains how the bible was modified throughout centuries). Since Torah, Bible and Quran is from the same God our creator (Whom Christians call him “The Father”), you can find many common messages among them.


Today our topic is “Why Jesus is not God”, and the proves which I am going to provide is from The Bible. And you can judge it logically whether it is correct or not.

    1. In the entire bible, you will never find a verse in which Jesus said: “I am God, Worship Me”. If Jesus never called himself God, how did he become God? Instead, you will find verses which tell about “Jesus Praying” to “The Father”. The question here is, why Jesus prays to “The Father” if he is God himself? If Jesus did miracles because he is God, why he needs to pray to obtain what he wanted? Imagine creating sun, moon, humans, plants and all the universe, then you pray to “The Father” obtain your needs, does that sound right? Some people may say he did so to show people how to pray… but there are verses in the Bible, which says that Jesus went alone to pray (which isn’t required if he is God). Here is a verse which tells Jesus went alone to pray ” After He had sent the crowds away, He went up on the mountain by Himself to pray; and when it was evening, He was there alone.” Matthew 14:23 If Jesus wanted to show people how to pray, Jesus would have done it in front of the people and would tell the people that he is God clearly. But when the bible tells us that he went to pray alone, that means he was a Prophet just like Prophet Moses did miracles by the help of God our creator and was praying to him to obtain his needs.
      Another example is about being answered Jesus prayers.  “In the days of His flesh, He offered up both prayers and supplications with loud crying and tears to the One able to save Him from death, and He was heard because of His piety.”Click here to find a list of Jesus Praying Verses Here. Notice here that the verse says “he was heard [by The Father]“, which means that there was a chance that his prayers wouldn’t be heard. First, the Bible is giving higher attributes to “The Father” because he is the one who is answering the prayers. And the real God is the one who hears and answers prayers. Another issue is if we assume that Jesus is God, and when Jesus died, did Jesus took control of answering prayers from “The Father” after he died?” That’s totally illogical, and pure contradiction. If Jesus was praying to “The Father” then the Christians should worship him only. The major conflict between Islam and Christianity is that Islam says God is one (“Allah” whom Christians call “The Father”) and Christians say that God is one but in three forms (“The Father”, “The Son” And “The Holy Spirit”) and Christians claim that Jesus “The Son” is major God.
    2. Among “The Father”, “The Son”, “The Holy Spirit” who is the Judger on the “Day of Judgement”. Read the following verse “But whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.” Mathew 10:33. In that verse, the event which Jesus talking about is about the day of judgement, that if a person is denying Jesus in this life, Jesus will not ask for mercy for the person to God our creator “The Father”, instead Jesus will deny the person who denied him in front of men. First of all, If Jesus is God then he is the one who is supposed to judge human beings and not as a saviour from “The Father’s” punishment. If Christians think that Jesus is the God who created us, why is it important that they still need mercy from “The Father” and why they need Jesus “not to deny them” in front of “The Father”? notice that the Father has a greater role here. They are not acting as one, instead, they have different powers. Doesn’t this conclude that Jesus is not the Judger? and hence, he is not God our creator. Islam Teaches that Jesus is prophet same like Noah, Abraham, Moses, Mohammed, they are all messengers of God our creator. Islam teaches that, in the day of judgement, every prophet will come with his nation (their followers and non-followers). This means, for example, on the day of judgement prophet Moses will come with his people, the people who received God message through Moses and he will ask mercy for his people’s wrong deeds to guarantee them to enter heaven and not punished for their wrong deeds. Same thing for Abraham, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed… They will request forgiveness from God on behalf of their followers. At this time, prophet Jesus may deny a person who denied his message from God our creator which is to believe in God our creator existence and day of judgement (That’s the main message that all the prophets delivered). Hence, the person who denies Jesus in front of men, Jesus will deny him/her [in the day of judgement] in front of God our creator who is the judger. But it is illogical to say Jesus will request mercy from “The Father” and he saves you from his own punishment at the same time. The one who is mentioned by the term  “The Father” in the Christian Bible is our God our creator and Jesus is his messenger, they are not the same. One thing to be noted here is, God our creator is merciful. God punishes evil people who transgressed and forgives many sinners as well. Our creator mercy is nearer than his punishment.
    3. In the Bible, there are verses like “My Father is greater than I” in John 14:28. Also, there is other verse which says “I and the Father are one” in John 10:30. In the first verse “My Father is greater than I” Jesus is saying that The Father is greater than him, which is necessarily the father is greater. In the second-mentioned verse, “I and the Father are one” doesn’t necessarily mean that they are equal in power. But if Christians believe they are equal in power then it is only becoming a contradiction and illogical (compared with the first verse). Also, you can not find in the Bible where Jesus said “I am greater than The Father”. It’s like saying it is logical to say 10 > 1 and then you say 10 = 1?
    4. If Jesus is God then what about the people before Jesus came? How they will be judged in the day of judgement. Because they didn’t worship Jesus and they didn’t know about the concept “Trinity”, but they worshipped one God (our creator) because they were monotheist followers. They weren’t Christians before Jesus came. The word “Christians” means Christ-followers. Consider these questions: Why prophet Moses didn’t teach about the trinity? And why Prophet Moses didn’t teach “Jesus is God”? Apply same questions to all Prophets who existed before Jesus like Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Joseph…

      A reader may ask, what about Islam? And people before Islam they weren’t worshippers of Allah? How can you say that about Christians and forget about your religion?  the answer is, Islam means to submit your will to God, Islam is not a new religion founded by Prophet Mohammed as some people may think. Islam is the continuation of Abrahamic religions (Monetheistic religions) which existed since first human being (Adem was the first prophet). The people who existed before the prophet Mohammed believed in Monetheistic religions at that time, i.e Christianity. When people made major changes in Bible which they mentioned that Jesus is God, prophet Mohammed came to renew the message (To believe in one God and day of judgement and Jesus is not God but a messenger of God), and he was the last messenger of God. Quran is the same as revealed to prophet Mohammed and not edited (please google it). The term “Allah” is not new which came with the Quran. Please read the following articles which are related to these topics:Why the word Allah did not appear before Islam? It should have been there since Islam is the first religion?

      There are more than 4200 religions, which one is the truth? With Verification.

Besides that, Christians believe that Jesus died for their sins. Be careful with this one if you are Christian. Everyone is responsible for his/her good deeds and bad deeds and God our creator whom Christians call “The Father” will judge us on the day of judgement by our deeds. Yes, God our creator forgives if you truly repent to him and you didn’t go back and not insist on the sins you were committing. But, to say Jesus died for his follower’s sins is a whole different thing. In other words, it means Jesus already paid the price for the upcoming sins. What about the people before Jesus? can you see the difference and inconsistency of the message which was before Jesus came and after Jesus died which was supposed to be same message. Trinity never existed before Jesus. The truth is you and only you are responsible for your deeds in the day of judgement. Because on the day of judgement all your good deeds and bad deeds will be revealed to you and that time we can say a person is successful or not. If you think that Jesus has died for your sins, you could be burdened in the day of judgement. Because everyone sins, believer and non-believer. God knows that we will sin in our life, therefore he gave us the choice to repent but to him only. But once death comes, we can not add or subtract deeds. And repenting to our creator God, only can dismiss the sin because he is the only one who is aware of the sins and no one else. No one has died for someone else sins.

Jesus was a prophet just like other prophets Abraham, Jacob, Noah, Mohammed… Nobody have seen God since the beginning of time, not even the prophets.

I would like to conclude this by saying all things said above is while respecting christian people. I have met many christian people in my life who are good people. This is not to attack them personally, but this is make them clear the message of God our creator, so that we all get pass on the test of life. We cant hide the truth like we can’t hide the Sun and the Moon.

Read Quran to understand the truth, because it is the message from our creator, the one who made it possible for us to be alive. Read it fully open minded. You will never regret. Don’t listen to anyone’s suggestion of “what is Quran”, instead read the one which is translated to your language then judge what it is. I am sure you will get answers of life and understand the truth once you read it fully.