Who Created God? Who Created The Creator? Is There Mathematical Proof That God Exist?

To address the question “Who created the creator?”, we should begin by exploring “How was everything created?”.

To grasp the concept of “everything”, we must first clearly understand what “absolute nothingness” means.

Consider the very start of existence. Imagine a time before anything existed: no Earth, no Sun, no Moon, no solar system, no air, no life – simply nothing. In this void, movement is impossible because there is nothing to move within it. For instance, if we place an ant in this void, it cannot move forward, backward, up, or down, as there is no space for it to travel. The term “NOTHING” here also includes the absence of air and space. There is no beginning or end. However, many people mistakenly envisage “nothing” as a vast empty space, which is incorrect.

If there was truly nothing at one point, then nothing would exist eternally. Hence, logically, nothing can’t create everything. This assertion doesn’t need scientific proof; it simply requires logical reasoning.

Considering the topic of evolution:

If we look back to the origin of the evolutionary process, assuming God played no role, we are left with this assumption:

“The right chemicals (with the right amount) randomly combined to form one-celled organisms capable of evolving. Over billions of years, these organisms improved themselves and eventually became human beings, male and female, without souls. All of this happened purely by chance, at precisely the right moment.”

If we entertain the idea that this occurred accidentally, what does probability theory suggest about it?

Let’s consider the likelihood of “randomly combined chemicals creating evolving beings” to be as complex as “rolling a die to get the number 6 one hundred consecutive times.” Imagine the outcome of such a scenario.

The probability of rolling a six on a standard six-sided die 100 times in a row, when expressed as a decimal, is approximately:


This figure, with 77 zeros after the decimal point before reaching the first non-zero digit (2), highlights the extreme improbability of this event.

If we calculate the time it would take to try every possible combination of rolling a six-sided die 100 times, assuming each roll takes 5 seconds, the duration would be approximately

103,512,089,560,053,823,579,425,275,547,763,087,574,516,941,571,982,383,966,312,153,653,182,464 years.

This number, massive beyond comprehension, emphasizes the sheer unlikelihood of such a scenario occurring.

In mathematics, if the chances of something occurring is less than 1/10^50 we generally say the chances of happening that event is NIL, i.e, it won’t occur.

Achieving a six on a die 100 consecutive times is mathematically deemed impossible, as demonstrated earlier. Additionally, the estimated time required to possibly achieve this event far exceeds the lifespan of Earth, which is only about 4.543 billion years. Those trillions of years mentioned are just for achieving a six on a die.

Now, consider the probability of creating everything from nothing.

How many trillions of years would it take for the sun, moon, air, water, all living things (including every single body part), food, soil, chemicals, fire, and so on to evolve to their current state? And it’s important to remember that these elements are not just randomly assembled; they are perfectly positioned. For instance, if the sun or moon were closer or farther away than they currently are, Earth would likely be uninhabitable.

From a mathematical standpoint, it seems more plausible to imagine that airplanes could assemble themselves by accident from nothing rather than to assume everything in existence has no creator.

Here’s an additional aspect to consider. In the scenario of rolling the number 6 on a die 100 consecutive times, we assume the presence of a human who knows how to roll a die and understands what the perfect outcome looks like. This person knows what a die is, how to roll it, and when to stop once the number 6 has appeared 100 times in a row. Similarly, evolutionists indirectly assume that “nature” knows when to initiate the process (with the correct combination of chemicals) and when to halt when the first ever creature is perfectly created. Any further process could potentially disrupt the creature’s formation. If this is true, it implies that nature possesses significant awareness of what is happening and extensive knowledge of everything. This notion points towards the existence of God, The Creator.

Those who claim that everything emerged from nothing must be questioned: How did nature know we would eventually need eyes to see? How did it understand the concept of “seeing”? The same question applies to hearing, feeling, reproducing, and other processes. Does nature have sufficient awareness to provide us with everything we need without knowing our requirements? If it possesses such knowledge and awareness, then the discussion essentially leads to God, The Creator, The All-Knowing, The All-Aware.

In our physical world, everything has a start and an end, which even the laws of physics acknowledge. Nearly everything we use or consume daily has someone who began or made it. Thus, it is challenging for our minds to grasp the idea that “God has always existed, without a beginning”. Without this initiator or creator, certain things might not exist.

One might question, “Does the law of physics not apply to God?”

The laws of physics, along with other universal laws, were established by God, and hence, they do not govern Him. If the law of physics dictates that everything, including energy, has a beginning and an end, it doesn’t imply that God is subject to this rule. This is because the laws of physics themselves necessitate an initiator. The initiator must exist outside the realm of these laws to set them in motion.

The truth, as believed by many, is that God created us for a purpose: to test us. He has given us free will to choose our paths, to decide whether we will do good or bad willingly. Then, after we die, He judges us according to our deeds. He is omniscient, aware of our past, present, and future.

Read this Quranic verse from chapter 67 Verse 1-2:

Blessed is the One in Whose Hands rests all authority. And He is Most Capable of everything.

˹He is the One˺ Who created death and life in order to test which of you is best in deeds. And He is the Almighty, All-Forgiving.


The conclusion is, God was there all the time and without beginning. In Islam, there are 99 names of God, The Creator. One of the names is “Al Awal” which means “The First” without beginning. And another name is “Al Alkher” which means “The Last” without end.

You can find the 99 names of Allah in this link.

Hopefully, you got the answer.


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