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Who Created God? Who Created The Creator? Is There Mathematical Proof That God Exist?

To address the question “Who created the creator?”, we should begin by exploring “How was everything created?”. To grasp the concept of “everything”, we must first clearly understand what “absolute nothingness” means. Consider the very start of existence. Imagine a time before anything existed: no Earth, no Sun, no Moon, no solar system, no air, […]

Who Created God? Who Created The Creator? Is There Mathematical Proof That God Exist? Read More »

How to officially accept God, The Creator, and deny false deities in order to pass the test of life and not fail on the day of judgment?

This website aims to address questions about God, The Creator, and to highlight the concept of judgment day. For those seeking to embrace belief in God, The Creator, Islam offers guidance without coercion. Here’s how to officially accept God, The Creator: Step 1: Witnessing (Shahada) Declare: “There is no god but one God (The Creator,

How to officially accept God, The Creator, and deny false deities in order to pass the test of life and not fail on the day of judgment? Read More »

The Importance Of Being Thankful & To Whom You Should Be Thankful

Since the introduction of the media, being thankful became a challenge to many of us. We are being brainwashed for the ideas like “how perfect-life should look like” by using technology, brands, luxury lifestyles, fashion shows … etc. They are not something really bad, but sometimes they are very dangerous if we don’t give them

The Importance Of Being Thankful & To Whom You Should Be Thankful Read More »

Major Purpose & Responsibility Of Life & Things which should be considered if a person decides to deny God, our creator.

Many people think that life’s major purpose is just “to get rich” which is a little wrong. Getting rich is not something bad, it’s good to have money and use it responsibly rather than not having it. But, many people get disappointed when they get rich because after some time they realize that “Getting rich”

Major Purpose & Responsibility Of Life & Things which should be considered if a person decides to deny God, our creator. Read More »

There are more than 4200 religions, which religion is the truth?

NB: To make the picture clear to the reader, this article is written having a standpoint where all religions are considered equal. We will compare which one is the truth by analyzing the worshipped God behind the religions. To understand it fully, make sure you read it all. Before going deep on this topic, let’s

There are more than 4200 religions, which religion is the truth? Read More »

Why the word Allah not appeared before Islam? It should have been there since Islam is the first religion?

One of the logical criteria of the true religion is that the religion should start from the very first human being. Because, everyone have the right to know the truth.  We can’t say a religion is true religion from God our creator if it started 1000 years ago because there are people before them who

Why the word Allah not appeared before Islam? It should have been there since Islam is the first religion? Read More »

What is the biggest sin which God will not forgive if you do it your entire life and not repent before you die

NB: This article is a 5-6 min read, but it’s good if you read it all to understand it completely. In short words, the biggest unforgivable sin (if you don’t repent to God, The Creator) is to claim and/or declare that there are associates (other deities) with God, The Creator, and worship them. At first,

What is the biggest sin which God will not forgive if you do it your entire life and not repent before you die Read More »

Who will go to heaven (Get Rewarded) & Who will go to hell (Get Punished)? Can i be good person while not believing in God?

No one judges except God our creator. He knows us what we did right and wrong. Even we can’t judge ourselves because it is very hard to account our good and bad deeds. We can say the totality of our deeds (good and bad deeds) will affect whether we will be rewarded or punished. God

Who will go to heaven (Get Rewarded) & Who will go to hell (Get Punished)? Can i be good person while not believing in God? Read More »