Other religions

This category clarifies by logic & reasoning why Islam is the right religion and more than 4200 (the other religions) are false.

The Importance Of Being Thankful & To Whom You Should Be Thankful

Since the introduction of the media, being thankful became a challenge to many of us. We are being brainwashed for the ideas like “how perfect-life should look like” by using technology, brands, luxury lifestyles, fashion shows … etc. They are not something really bad, but sometimes they are very dangerous if we don’t give them […]

The Importance Of Being Thankful & To Whom You Should Be Thankful Read More »

There are more than 4200 religions, which religion is the truth?

NB: To make the picture clear to the reader, this article is written having a standpoint where all religions are considered equal. We will compare which one is the truth by analyzing the worshipped God behind the religions. To understand it fully, make sure you read it all. Before going deep on this topic, let’s

There are more than 4200 religions, which religion is the truth? Read More »

Why God MAY punish a disbeliever if he/she die without repenting to God our creator?

The first thing to know, God’s mercy is nearer than his punishment. God is merciful, and only the one who transgresses the limit is the one who is going to be punished. Second thing is, no one can judge others or even him/her self and say “I am going to heaven and you going to

Why God MAY punish a disbeliever if he/she die without repenting to God our creator? Read More »