How to officially accept God, The Creator, and deny false deities in order to pass the test of life and not fail on the day of judgment?

This website aims to address questions about God, The Creator, and to highlight the concept of judgment day.

For those seeking to embrace belief in God, The Creator, Islam offers guidance without coercion. Here’s how to officially accept God, The Creator:

Step 1: Witnessing (Shahada)
Declare: “There is no god but one God (The Creator, Allah), and Muhammad is the messenger of God (The Creator, Allah).” This affirms belief in Allah as the sole creator and Prophet Muhammad as His messenger.

Step 2: Prayer (Salah)
Muslims pray five times daily, facing Makkah, Islam’s holiest city. Friday prayers hold special significance.

Step 3: Almsgiving (Zakat)
Give 2.5% of your wealth to support those in need, fostering social responsibility.

Step 4: Fasting (Sawm)
During Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn to sunset, promoting self-discipline and empathy.

Step 5: Pilgrimage (Hajj)
Once in a lifetime, physically and financially able Muslims undertake a pilgrimage to Makkah, following the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad.

These five pillars form the foundation of Muslim identity, fostering a global community united by shared values and concerns.