Process of Verifying A Religion & The True Religion.


I would like to begin this topic with my own religion Islam. I have asked some Muslims “Why Islam is the right religion?”, “Why do they follow Islam” , “How would you tell a christian that his/her religion is wrong and Jesus is not God and Islam is the right religion?” ….. Some of them they did’nt know what to answer. This means they didn’t verify their religion.

Almost all religions (Including the evil ones) will teach to do basic good things like don’t steal, don’t lie, don’t do bad things… And thats why most people believe that particular religion is right without verifying it. Most religions would not mind to teach basic good things, they just aim to deceive on the “who is God” part. The reason they do so is simply because whoever did created that religion or modified the right religion wouldn’t think that he/she could attract people by teaching the deceiving part first. We all have a mindset God is Good which is true, and when any particular religion teaches to do good things, the person may automatically conclude “I am in the right path” without verifying “who is God” in that religion. So, one day if they find something wrong or contradiction in that religion they might leave it and they may have wrong image about the real God our creator in their mind and may conclude “All religions are same”. Many people become atheists because of that reason. That’s why verifying is very important.

So in any religion, whether you think you are in the true path or not you have to verify it. Whether you are a Muslim, Christian, Jew, Hindus, Buddist,  Atheist… you have to look outside verify you are in right path till it is clear to you. You have to ask all the doubts you have, otherwise the chance that you are not in the “truth path” is high. I am a Muslim, but i still think Muslims have to ask their doubts about Islam in honest and logical way and verify what they know till it is answered right. Same thing with other religions, they have to ask about that religion they have to verify they are in right path.

Its good to start is by asking the following questions against any religion:

  1. The Religion’s holy book should not have versions, revisions. contradictions or authors: God is one, and logically from one God we can expect one message without contradiction.
  2. The religion should define clearly who is the creator of everything:
    The mentioned God should be the creator of everything in the universe living things ( human beings, animals) and non living things(Sun, Moon, Mud…). Whether the person is a Muslim, Atheist, Christian, Jew or Polytheistic religions…. the source should be the same for all. If the religion does not have any idea about initialisation of the universe or the creator of the universe, that religion is false. Because religion should be from God our creator and not any other being.
  3. The religion should not start “some years ago” it should start from first human being.
    Because everyone has the same right to know that religion if it is true religion. This doesn’t mean since the creation of earth, because there were time where the earth existed and humans didn’t. Religion is meant to be for humans, so, it should exist since the first human beings existed because every human has the right to know his creator and his message and the purpose why he created us.
  4. Can not be founded by a person:
    Like ancient Egyptian deities. Because, founded by human means the above two criteria will not be applied.
  5. The mentioned God can not have a birth year or dying year.
    For example Zeus. ( this applies for religions who believe in humans or animals as God)
  6.  The religion should tell our history (past), should teach what to do now (present) and what is our destination (future) i.e to be successful human being.
    The religion should define clearly the purpose of our existence.
  7. The religion should not be only for specific people.
    Because the one who created Muslims is also the same God who created Christians, Jews, Hindus….
  8. God Can not be created or born: If the religion teaches that God is created or born it means that there is a greater being above him who created him which doesn’t meet the definition of God our creator. So, by definition God is not created, he should exist all the time. Click here for full answer for this criteria.
  9. God should know what we think and what we feel: Because he simply created us. If the mentioned God in that religion is not able to know what we think, it means he doesn’t know what we are about to do. God by definition, knows everything. So, the mentioned God in that religion is not able to know what we think, that religion becomes false.


So we have mentioned that the only religion which meets all this criteria is Islam. This article explains that Islam is true religion and verifies it by the above criterias. [Click here to read it]

Islam is the only religion which points to our true creator, God. Our creator sent us his message through his messenger Prophet Mohammed. Read Quran fully and judge for your self. Don’t let the media tell you what is Islam about (which you might believe that Islam is about terrorism) or don’t believe any person tells you bad about Islam, Just read Quran fully open minded, and you will know the truth.